Client Brief
Claire is an Independent businesswoman. Claire had noticed her eyelids beginning to droop over time. This caused a few concerns such as looking tired and older than she felt. There were also practical issues with applying mascara as that had become progressively more difficult with the way her lids drooped. This was exacerbated by the fact that she could no longer see close up without her glasses or without the aid of her magnifying mirror.
As a public speaker for her company and the main point of contact with important clients she often found herself in the spotlight. Claire wanted to continue feeling confident when speaking in front of peers and clients.
She also had a school reunion coming up after 30 years and looking at the list of attendees was excited and apprehensive to see some old names that she had lost touch with but was eager to reunite and catch up with. She wanted her old school friends to see her at her best, and this desire ultimately led her to seek a consultation for Plexr at LasaDerm.
She had been having various treatments at the clinic anyway and felt that it was now time to investigate what could be done for her drooping eyelids.

Consultation Overview
Claire had her consultation with Dr. Dewji at LasaDerm, and it was agreed that PlexR® non-surgical blepharoplasty would be the best option for her. She found the consultation “factual, informative and professional.” She looked forward to getting the procedure after seeing the before and after photos of other satisfied patients.
Treatment Overview
PlexR®, non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed without cutting and without altering the muscle of the eyelids. This helps avoid all risks inherent to traditional surgical treatment. This type of procedure is termed “soft surgery” as it requires no cutting or stitching and is a revolutionary and patented innovation, opening a new and exciting frontier in the field of Medical Aesthetics. Our highly trained and certified doctor was one of the first to pioneer this procedure in the UK.
PlexR® is a device that forms plasma to sublimate the excess skin. It delivers its energy only on the superficial skin cells, without affecting deeper tissues, thus enabling the perfect plasticity of the eyelid movement immediately after the treatment. The result is immediate reduction of the excess skin on the upper or lower eyelid, as well as the shrinking of the excess skin in the external region around the eye. Other benefits include the improvement of the expression lines at the corner of the eye and the cheekbone known as “crow’s feet”) should this be required.
This non-surgical technique is defined as “dynamic” as it enables the doctor to work exactly where the excess sagging skin is. A typical session will last no more than 10 minutes, and the tiny point-like crusts will fall off after 3 to 7 days. Depending on the nature and extent of the area treated, you may need between 1- 2 treatments and this is included in the price.
- Plexr is a Specialist Doctor treatment which gives precise & natural results
- Plexr is relatively painless: No injections are required
- Effective: immediate reduction and shrinkage of the excess skin above the eye as well as the ability to improve lines by the side of the eyes ( crow’s feet or laughter lines as they are commonly termed)
- Safe and accurate: Low-risk procedure
- Results are permanent but will not stop the ageing process. Patient lifestyle choices such as smoking, sun exposure etc. may have a significant impact on the longevity of the treatment.
Client Before and After Pictures
Customer Feedback
“My baggy eyelids had become a progressive issue for me probably for the last 5 years or so. Friends and family claimed they weren’t so bad, and I suppose in the general scheme of things, that was true. However, not a day went by that I was not aware of them”.
“I am in the public eye a lot because of my business, and it was important to me to always look my best. I was surprised to see how quickly I recovered with excellent results. Since the procedure, I not only look better, but I feel better about myself because I am not self-conscious about my eyes anymore.
The icing on the cake for me was when at the school reunion I was able to go and meet old acquaintances having put my best face forward! I’ve also received so many compliments from family, friends and peers about how fresh and awake I look.”