Success Story: Jane’s Cyst Removal (Graphic Footage)

Jane’s Cyst Removal (Graphic Footage)

Our Client’s Story

WARNING: This success story includes graphic footage of surgical cyst removal.

We were recently contacted by Jane, who had noticed that the small lump on her arm had started to grow. Although the lump wasn’t painful, she was worried at the appearance and wanted to speak with a professional about removal options.

Client Consultation & Treatment Information

Before any treatment is carried out, an initial consultation with the in-house LasaDerm doctor is always scheduled. This step is imperative in any procedure but even more so in this instance, as the cyst must be assessed to determine the most effective route for removal.

The consultation concluded that the client had an Epidermoid Cyst, which can only be removed through surgical methods. Luckily, our doctor is highly experienced in both cyst and mole removal in Milton Keynes, which meant that the procedure could be carried out professionally with minimal risk of scarring. We also have a purpose-built minor operation suite within the LasaDerm premises, designed specifically for these types of treatments.

Cyst Removal Overview

On the day of the procedure, although the nature of the treatment was explained during the consultation, our doctor briefed the client on what to expect. To begin the cyst removal, the area around the cyst was injected with a local anaesthetic, numbing the area and ensuring that our client was comfortable throughout.

Once the area was numb, it was time to remove the cyst by making an incision to expose the cyst. As this pushes the cyst up to the surface, the wall can then be separated from the tissue around the cyst and then removed entirely. The incision is carefully stitched up, and the stitches are removed 5-10 days after the procedure.

If you would like to book a cyst removal consultation with LasaDerm, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. The cost of the procedure is £350, and this includes the consultation, cyst excision, stitch removal and review appointments.

We Specialise In A Range Of Mole & Cyst Removal Treatments

Client Testimonial

Couldn’t be happier with my overall experience with the LasaDerm team. I was so nervous about the idea of surgical removal, but Dr Dewji took the time to explain everything to me, which definitely put my mind at ease and helped me to stay calm. Even from the first consultation, I was confident that I was in safe hands, and everyone was just so lovely!

Jane2nd September 2020
