Client Brief
Lindsey who was in her fifties had never smoked. She had however spent much of her time living abroad. She explained that there was little emphasis on wearing sun protection when she was growing up albeit that people were all too aware of the dangers of sun exposure. She had therefore spent much of her earlier life basking in the sunshine to adorn that beautiful sun-kissed glow.
Although she rectified this, towards her late forties, when she recognised that the skin on her face was starting to get a wrinkly appearance, with good quality skincare and sun protection, it was as she put it a foregone solution for the lines that had been left on her top lip. Lines she was aggrieved were indicative for most people of having been a smoker.
She had previously had dermal filler on a couple of occasions at another clinic. This was injected across the top lip lines, and while she was pleased with the outcome, she had bruised quite badly on both occasions for a few days after. Her concern was that she wanted something with more longevity as she said the filler only lasted at best for 6 months.

Consultation Overview
At her consultation, it was decided that Lindsey would benefit from PlexR®, plasma technology for her barcode lines. PlexR® is a device that causes plasma to sublimate the wrinkled lines. It delivers its energy only on the superficial skin cells, without affecting deeper tissues. The result is an immediate reduction of the wrinkles as well as the shrinking of the skin in the region around the lip. As Lindsey also had some wrinkles around the lower mouth region and to the side PlexR® was an obvious choice as it would allow treatment to this surrounding mouth region for a far better overall result.
Treatment Overview
This type of procedure is termed soft surgery as it requires no cutting or stitching and is a revolutionary and patented innovation, opening a new and exciting frontier in the field of Medical Aesthetics. Our highly trained and certified doctor was one of the first to pioneer this procedure in the UK.
This non-surgical technique is defined as “dynamic” as it enables the doctor to work exactly where the lines and wrinkles are. A typical session will last no more than 10 minutes, and the tiny point-like crusts will fall off after 3 to 7 days. Depending on the nature and extent of the wrinkles and area treated, you may need between 1- 2 treatments and this is included in the price.
- Plexr is a Specialist Doctor treatment which gives precise & natural results
- Plexr is relatively painless: No injections are required
- Effective: Able to smooth lines and wrinkles immediately across the lip and surrounding mouth region if required
- Safe and accurate: Very low-risk procedure
- Results are permanent but will not stop the ageing process. Patient lifestyle choices such as smoking, sun exposure etc. may have a significant impact on the longevity of the treatment.
Treatment Gallery (before and after)
Customer Feedback
“I am so glad that I had this treatment. I really was dubious as to whether it was going to give me long-term results, but it has now been nearly 2 years since I had my second treatment and I am absolutely delighted. My smoker’s lines really bothered me. I couldn’t believe that for just a little more money than my previous dermal filler treatment at another clinic I could get such a fantastic result that would last. And the fact that the other bits around my mouth were also included in the price was the icing on the cake.
I honestly wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this procedure- it’s far better than having Dermal Filler every 5 months and works out far better value for money. “