Ectropion is a rarely serious yet uncomfortable condition impacting the eyes. It occurs when the lower eyelid begins to droop away from the eye before turning outwards. It can cause the affected eye to become red, irritated, gritty and sore, also making individuals more prone to infections such as conjunctivitis. With a specialist oculoplastic surgeon in-house, we provide ectropion repair in Milton Keynes to treat this condition.
What Are The Causes Of Ectropion?
There are many causes of ectropion, most of which develop over time as only rarely is the condition present from birth. Your surgeon will always assess the cause before beginning your lower eyelid surgery to ensure that it is safe to proceed. Typical causes include the following:
Weakened tissue and muscles due to age (this is the most common)
Problems with the nerves that control the eyelid (usually caused by Bell’s Palsy)
Damaged eyelid skin down to an injury, previous surgery, skin condition or burn
A lump, tumour or cyst that has grown on the eyelid
Specialist Surgical Eye Treatments
See other treatments that Dr Nunez can offer at LasaDerm:
You will be given full instructions on preparing for your surgery during your consultation, including stopping any blood thinning medications before surgery (only if advised that it is safe to do so) and stopping anti-inflammatory medication two weeks beforehand.
This will depend on whether you have had a skin graft. If you haven’t, you can remove the dressing the following day, but if you have, you will be asked to keep it in place for a few days longer to allow extra healing time.
You are likely to experience swelling, bruising and discomfort for the first few days after your surgery, meaning that you should avoid any strenuous activity until these have subsided. There may also be some bleeding which can be stopped with firm pressure (most use an ice pack wrapped in a towel pressed against the area).
Ectropion surgery currently has a 95% success rate, meaning that for almost all patients, the condition does not reoccur. In the rare occasion that it does, surgery can be repeated.
It Could Not Have Gone Better
"I’ve just fully recovered from my lower eyelid surgery with LasaDerm, and I genuinely could not be happier with both my results and experience. I was very apprehensive, but Dr Nunez absolutely made me feel at ease, and I felt 100% safe in her capable hands. The procedure was quick and I healed very quickly, it could not have gone any better!"
Jennifer Vaughn13th November 2022
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